miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

A loud growl...

"It is a great relief to discover that our stories do not fully define who we are, or what is happening to us.  One practitioner was on a summer retreat at a camp in the redwoods. She awoke in the middle of the night startled, heart pounding because she heard a loud growl just outside.  She was sure it was a bear, close by, perhaps dangerous.  Turning on a small flashlight, she looked around and waited fearfully for the unknown growler to make another noise.  At first it was quiet. Then after a minute had passed, her stomach let out a loud growl.  She realized it was the bean soup from dinner that was having its way with her digestive tract!  The loud growl was herself."

                      (from http://www.jackkornfield.com/disentangling-from-the-story/ )

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